Crows Nest Uniting Church

Communion Elder

(We now distribute communion by intincture, so there is only one communion elder)

  • Buy a cob of bread.
    (Best if it is quite firm inside, for intincture, and does not have flour or seeds on the outside.)

  • Check Juice.
    (If none is available, buy some. 1ltr bottles of Grape Juice are usually available.)

  • Arrive 30 minutes before the service.

  • Get the Communion equipment: cloths, jug, chalice, plate from within the communion table. Set the communion cloths on the communion table

  • Pour juice, into a jug, and place with chalice on Communion table. Place bread on the plate, scored underneath, so it’s not too hard to break

  • Usually the minister will distribute the bread, and an elder will follow with the chalice.

  • If distributing the bread say words you find significant or helpful, such as:
    ‘The bread of life’, ‘The body of Christ’

  • When distributing the juice; say
    ‘The cup of grace’, ‘The blood of Christ’

  • After worship clear away communion elements and wash up in upstairs kitchen, and place back in storage inside the Communion table.
    (Please check and see if communion cloths need to be washed. If so, please see below.)

Many thanks for offering your gifts in this ministry!
Your contribution and time is appreciated.

revised July 2014


  1. Take white communion cloths home to be washed, if needed (along with the cardboard roll and cloth ties)
  2. Remove any candle wax. (Remove excess, and place cloth between layers of clean brown paper. Put a hot iron over the area, until the wax has been absorbed by the paper.)
  3. Use a pre-wash stain remover if necessary, for wax or wine stains.
  4. Wash and dry!
  5. Iron to a crisp finish with something like ‘Fabulon’.
  6. Roll carefully around the cardboard roll. Tie with ‘ties’
  7. Remember to bring them back and place in cupboard under the communion table!!!!