Views from the
Crows Nest
Crows Nest Uniting Church
Cnr Shirley Road & Nicholson Street, Crows Nest
From MichaelÕs desk - Looking Ahead
Like many, at the beginning of a new year, I look ahead and plan and dream of what might be. This year was a good experience of looking forward, as Phyll and I had recently returned from a relaxing holiday up north.
As I scan back over recent years at Crows Nest, some of the memorable things we have done in worship relate to themes we pursued over a month or so. Do you remember ÔCelebrating LifeÕ in 2006 or ÔEarth MonthÕ in 2007? The educational experts tell me that this is called ÔchunkingÕ and it is an excellent learning tool. Firstly, we remember the material better—it makes an impression; and secondly, we can dig a little deeper into important issues.
So this year I propose that we do some chunking together. In particular, I am setting aside the month of August to focus on the theme of relations with people of other faiths. I believe this is a pressing issue in todayÕs world, still caught up as we are in the Ôwar against terrorÕ. And I am delighted to announce that in August we will have a Jewish woman visitor and a Muslim visitor to tell us about their faith and life, as well as a New Testament scholar from our Theological College who has worked in this interfaith area. (I also chair the national Uniting Church - Jewish Dialogue Group.)
Closer to August I will ask if anyone would like to help plan and prepare for this theme and focus. Working together is part of ÔchunkingÕ.
Best wishes for your dreams for 2009 and may we journey together in realizing some of them.
I must thank Lin Gourlay
for coming up with the brilliant idea of starting a parish newsletter. We hope this will provide a means
of communication which goes far beyond the morning tea
area! Lin has generously
taken on the role of Editor.
Vitality of Call
The most important matter to arise from last weekÕs Church Council meeting, was the report from the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee, on the 4th Year Vitality of Call for Rev. Michael Barnes. This is an essential process, which follows from the Presbytery Consultation conducted last year.
The report is very positive, affirming MichaelÕs work within the Crows Nest congregation, and fulfilling his call to this parish. The Church Council acknowledged the report, and is pleased to invite Rev. Michael Barnes to remain at Crows Nest, for up to another 5 years.
As Michael has already been with us for
over four years, it is not possible to invite him to remain at Crows Nest for
any longer than 5 years.
Under the rules of the Uniting Church in Australia, settlements do not
normally go beyond ten years.
IÕm lamenting the fact that we may only have Michael with us for another
five years, so I think we need to take advantage of his many gifts and
abilities, while he is still at Crows Nest!
New Office
Enormous changes have occurred within the church office – both in the physical move and internal restructuring. IÕm amazed at how many people stepped in to facilitate the move to Shirley Road. Many thanks. All the offices are now at the one location. Only one building will bear the cost of running an office.
New Administrator
IÕm pleased to extend the warmest welcome to our new Administrator, Deborah Middleton. Deb will be in the office on Tuesdays and Fridays. Deb is settling into the job, and is already working efficiently and thoughtfully. The office phone number remains the same – 9439 6033.
We have been unable to find a Treasurer. It is absolutely essential that this position be filled to enable the church to run smoothly. Paul Howell has continued to oversee the work of a treasurer, and we owe him a debt of gratitude. Without his assistance, we would not have been able to function.
The Church Council believes that by dividing the work between an Administrator and a Bookkeeper, the work of the Treasurer will not be as demanding as it has been in the past. So, we now have an Administrator and a Bookkeeper. Tanya Pertsis, administrator at our Pre-school, is our highly efficient and conscientious Bookkeeper. The hours of the Administrator have been reduced to off-set the cost of a paid Bookkeeper. The accounting system is now streamlined, so we hope the position of Treasurer will be filled.
New Service of Worship
Sally reports that Chat Room is progressing well. It is connecting well with the community, and providing opportunities for families to share together on many levels. Sally is looking at ways of establishing a new service of worship to meet the needs of the young families with whom she is working.
So, Crows Nest Uniting Church should soon be offering two very different services of worship. Each service will have its own integrity. Michael will be involved in conducting both services, sharing the new service with Sally, and both congregations will be welcome to attend either or both services. This is broadening what we are already doing with worship.
DonÕt worry – the letter from the Chairperson may not always be as lengthy as this one!
Seen in Sydney Morning
Herald Column 8
ÒOn the message board out the front of a
church in Surry Hills is the message ÔIf you are too open-minded, your brains
will fall out,Õ ....Is it possible to know the point
at which you are being too open-minded?
Do you receive a warning from your brain before it falls out?Ó
We have 50 enthusiastic children and 8 fantastic staff in our 2 groups.
The smaller children are new to the
preschool experience. They are
enjoying the sandpit and exploring the outdoor area. Water play, ball games and dramatic play have been popular
during these first few weeks. The
children found a grasshopper! So,
an interest in insects emerged.
Creative work and sensory experiences assist the settling-in process for
these little ones. They enjoy home
corner and learn to interact and engage in role play.
How long have you been at this church? On and off for most of my life. My mum attended Sunday School at Holtermann Street. My parents were married there. My sister and I were baptized there, and attended Sunday School. My husband and I were married there!
What occupies your time during the week? Trying to fit 36 hours into just 24.
Have you read a good book lately? IÕm re-reading ÒMister God, This is AnnaÓ, by Fynn.
What sort of activities would you like to have available through the church? More of what we already offer, but to a wider community. IÕd particularly like to see something for young teens to help them with relationships and self-esteem.
Chorus Nidi
Our singing group is getting back together after a summer break! You are welcome to join us for rehearsals at 9am on Sunday mornings. You donÕt need to be able to read music – or even to have sung before. The desire to take part is enough. We are planning music for the year, and particularly for Easter.
We continue to have a lively group of kids who attend Sunday School, ranging from toddler age to 11 years old. We begin around our "worship table" where we sit in a semi-circle, talk about our week and then discuss the topic of our session. We light candles on the table, then follow with a Bible story. This is often read by some of the children or acted out in some way by the group. We use props for the story which the children have to find on a "treasure hunt" first.
Next we do craft related to the Bible story while the younger ones play with the toys. We play a game and finish with a prayer, again usually read by the children.
We started a star chart for each child that rewards wonderful behaviour—such as good listening and helping one
another. We have also begun our
"getting to know you" slot where people from the congregation
come up to Sunday School and tell us about
themselves. They get to meet the
kids and see a little of we get up to.
Thanks to everyone who supports our Sunday School. A special mention to Doug, who often comes up when we have a busy week. The children really appreciate the books that Doug generously donated for the children just before Christmas. We hope to be able to continue that tradition into the future. We want to be able to continue to encourage the kids to explore Bible and other stories to help them as they travel through life in faith.
As our numbers grow, I am looking for volunteers who may be able to come up and help, especially with the younger children and toddlers. Please let me know if you are interested.
Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie SocietyÓ
by Mary Ann Shaffer
In the aftermath of the Second World War, Juliet Ashton, a writer of amusing newspaper columns, is pondering the subject of her next book. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter from Dawsey Adams of Guernsey, a man who shares her love of books and who is a member of a literary club on the island. Before long, Juliet is corresponding with all the members of the society, and is discovering what conditions were like under the German occupation of the island. When Juliet decides to visit her new friends in Guernsey, her life changes completely.
Mary Ann Shaffer has written a delightfully
witty but moving story, told entirely in the form of letters. Through her
characters, she reveals the harsh conditions faced by the islanders during the
28, 29 March, 3pm, Elijah – Mendelssohn at Christ Church St Laurence
10 April, 7pm, The Crucifixion – John Stainer at
St LukeÕs Anglican Church, Mosman with the Cathedral
Sunday 17 May, the Social Committee is organising Lunch.
Keep the time free and come for great food and conversation.
I hope you enjoy this first newsletter. WeÕve tried to make it informative but not too heavy! You will see that we have a Òtalking with....Ó section. I may be asking you to be the ÒtalkerÓ in future newsletters. This is a small way of getting to know each other better.
If you have suggestions for content, PLEASE tell me.
29 March, 8.30 – 9.30 pm
Turn off your power & enjoy
the peaceful